Force Converter

Force is a vector quantity that describes objects' interaction and ability to alter their motion or shape. An object can be accelerated or deformed by a force. Formally, force is defined as the product of an object's mass and acceleration and is expressed in Newtons (N).

Popular Unit Conversions Force

The most used and popular units of force conversions are presented for quick and free access.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Force?

Force is depicted as a vector, implying it possesses both magnitude and direction. The direction of a force indicates the orientation in which it acts, and its magnitude indicates the extent of the applied force.

For example, to modify the motion of an object moving in a straight line, a force must be applied in the opposite direction.

Force unit conversions are crucial in various aspects of physics and engineering.

They are used in:

  • Mechanics;
  • Statics;
  • Dynamics;
  • Electromagnetism.

How to Calculate Force?

We apply Newton's second law to determine the force on something. It explains that the push on an object makes it speed up or slow down, and this effect depends on the object's heaviness.The force is the object's mass multiplied by its acceleration.

The formula for Newton's second law is as follows:

  • F = m * a;


  • F - force (in newtons, N);
  • m - mass of the object (in kilograms, kg);
  • a - acceleration of the object (in meters per second squared, m/s²).

Given its acceleration and mass, this formula enables us to calculate the force that will act on an object.

How to Use the Force Converter?

Follow the instructions for using the force calculator:

  • Select the unit of force the data required for the calculation;
  • Click on the calculate button and get the result on the screen.

What units of force can be converted with the force converter?

The force unit converter supports a variety of units, including newtons (N), dyes (dyn), pounds (lb), and kilograms (kg). You can convert between any combinations of these units.