OneConvertWe make converting easy

Conversion Calculator Online and Free File Converter

Start your conversion for a large and various number of documents and units of measurement. And it is completely free and unlimited.

Our Advantages

Here, we proudly present the unique strengths and benefits that set us apart, ensuring our clients receive unparalleled service and expertise.

Extensive tools collection
The site offers tools for unit conversion and PDF file conversion. This makes OneConvert a versatile tool for a variety of conversions. The service is especially useful for professionals in engineering, finance, and science.
Accurate and instant results
The service provides instant and accurate conversion results, which is essential for tasks that require accuracy, such as scientific calculations, engineering projects and everyday measurements.
All devices supported
Our free file converter works on any OS, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. Because of this, you can convert files to PDF from any OS or device as long as you have an Internet connection.
Security guaranteed
We delete uploaded files instantly and converted ones after 24 hours. No one has access to your files and privacy is 100% guaranteed.
Easy to use & share files
Drop files on the page, select an output format, and click “Convert”. Our service simplifies sharing files across social networks and cloud platforms with a few clicks.
Automatic deletion of your files
After you convert a document to PDF, you’ll be able to download and delete your files. If you happen to forget about deleting your files, they will be deleted from our server automatically after 3 hours to ensure your information is secure.
Convert Securely

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Trusted by the enterprise companies

OneConvert is a trusted partner of major enterprises, renowned for our commitment to quality and innovation. Our collaborations with industry leaders underscore our reliability and expertise.
